different types of alcoholism

The chronic severe subtype makes up the smallest percentage of alcoholics, with only 9.2%. This group tends to start drinking at a young age (around 15) but typically develops an alcohol dependence at an intermediate age (around 29). Seventy-seven percent of this group have close family members with alcoholism, the highest percentage of any subtype. And 47% of the members of this group exhibit antisocial personality disorder, the second highest rate of any subtype. This subtype is the most likely of any to experience major depression, dysthymia, bipolar disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, social phobia, and panic disorder.

Short- & Long-Term Effects of Alcohol Addiction

However, these numbers can vary depending on your alcohol tolerance and other biological responses. Join our supportive sober community where each day becomes a step towards personal growth and lasting positive change. “Denial is huge for any alcoholic, especially for a functioning alcoholic, because I, you know, I’m not living under a bridge. After all, the first report from the Surgeon General’s Advisory Committee on Smoking and Health was released in 1964. It was based on more than 7,000 articles tracing the links of smoking to poor health outcomes.

Functioning Alcoholic Subtype

  • When they do seek treatment, they’re more likely to attend a 12-step group or seek treatment from private health care professionals.
  • The chronic severe subtype is the least prevalent, accounting for only about 9 percent of alcoholics.13 However, this group is the most severe, with heavy drinking occurring almost daily.
  • People who fall into the young adult alcoholic subtype also rarely have a family history of alcoholism.
  • After all, heavy drinking, even to the point of danger, is glamorized on most college campuses, so young adults with addictions may believe they are no different than anyone else their age.
  • However, most of their drinking is binge drinking –they drink 5 or more drinks on 73% of their drinking days.

Abstinence is also important for people who are pregnant, take medications that interact with alcohol or have certain genetic conditions. https://ecosoberhouse.com/ Alcohol misuse refers to drinking in a manner, situation, amount, or frequency that could cause harm to the person who drinks or to those around them. People in this group are able to manage their work and social lives despite their use of alcohol.

Tailoring Treatment f0r Different Types of Alcoholism

different types of alcoholism

Sylvester oncologists hope this would open a much-needed debate on drinking. Whether you have an opioid addiction, prescription drug addiction, or alcohol addiction, you can rely on Resurgence and our medically sanctioned addiction treatments. By enrolling in alcohol treatment today, you can begin your recovery journey right away. Put drugs and alcohol behind you and rebuild your health and life with support from Resurgence Behavioral Health.

different types of alcoholism

The typical young adult alcoholic is about 25 and started drinking at age 19 or 20. Men outnumber women 2.5 times to 1 in this category, and they tend to be single. Experts in the field of addiction say these categories are more than just labels — they can also be useful tools in treating alcoholism. Because there’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes alcoholism to treating an alcohol addiction, understanding a person’s alcoholic subtype can help patients and physicians identify the most effective form of treatment. If you or someone you love is struggling with alcoholism in Birmingham, AL, contact Birmingham Recovery Center today for more information on our comprehensive alcohol addiction treatment services. Birmingham Recovery Center offers a full continuum of care for alcoholism, including detoxification and medical stabilization, intensive outpatient programs (IOP), and aftercare services.

different types of alcoholism

Changing Norms Around Alcohol Consumption

When exploring the different types of alcoholism, chronic alcoholism is a significant category that requires attention. Chronic alcoholism refers to a long-term, persistent pattern of heavy drinking that leads to physical and psychological dependence on alcohol. It is characterized by a compulsive need to consume alcohol and an inability to control or stop drinking despite negative consequences. Around 19.5 percent of the alcoholic population in the United States falls into the functional alcoholic subtype.

  • More than three-quarters of young antisocial alcoholics are male, and about 15 percent are married.
  • Around one-third have a history of alcohol abuse within their families, spanning multiple generations.
  • Individuals who fall into this subtype have low rates of co-occurring mental health disorders and are unlikely to misuse other substances.

There Is Help Available For All Types of Alcoholics

This group also is very likely to experience addiction to cigarettes, marijuana, cocaine, and opioids. These alcoholics are usually middle-aged people who started drinking and struggling with alcohol at a young age. Chronic severe alcoholics typically have difficulty functioning normally from day to day. Their condition may have progressed from young antisocial alcoholism, and they may likely experience legal problems, substance abuse problems, and psychiatric disorders like anxiety, bipolar disorder, and depression.

different types of alcoholism

These people have developed an alcoholism tolerance and will usually consume large amounts of alcohol throughout the day without showing any obvious signs of intoxication. However, this does not mean that they are not suffering from alcoholism; rather, it is easy for them to go unnoticed as their alcoholism progresses. In Southern California, the best resource for individuals and families in crisis is Chapman House Treatment Centers. Located in Orange County, Chapman House has provided premium alcohol, drug, and behavioral health care treatment since 1978. But identification also helps by letting people with alcohol use disorder AUD know that they are not alone, and that they have a serious health problem that requires a medical treatment plan.

Alcohol Abuse

Classifying the five types of alcoholism was an important step for addiction research and treatment because it acknowledges the variability in addictive behaviors, symptoms, and consequences. Because not every case of alcoholism is the same, tailoring addiction treatment to the individual person may help improve rates of success. If you are struggling with alcohol misuse despite negative personal, professional, and health consequences, you may fit into one of the five types of alcoholism or alcoholics. They have the highest divorce rate — 25.1 percent — of all the alcoholic five types of alcoholics types.

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The chronic severe subtype is the least prevalent, accounting for only about 9 percent of alcoholics.13 However, this group is the most severe, with heavy drinking occurring almost daily. They also have a later age of first drinking (average of 19 years) and a later onset of alcohol dependence at anaverage of 37 years. They tend to drink alcohol every other day, an average of 181 days per year, and they consumefive or more drinks on 54% of those days. The young adult subtype is the most prevalent subtype, making up31.5% of people who are alcohol dependent.